Parent/Caregiver Agreement:
- All children must be formally enrolled (See Enrolment Form) I also understand that it is my responsibility to regularly update details held on AimyPlus.
- All children are to be collected no later than 5:30pm each day. A penalty fee of $1.00 per minute may be charged for failure to collect children by this time as per the Payment of Fees Policy.
- Fees must be kept up to date or paid in advance. Failure to do this can result in the child/ren being stood down until full payment is made. Unpaid accounts will incur late payment fees and collection costs. If you no longer need our service, you must give one weeks notice in writing to the Manager.
- Only persons appropriately identified on the enrolment form will be allowed to pick up a child unless the Programme Supervisor has been previously advised, in writing.
- For the After School Programme the Supervisor must be notified if a child will not be attending on a booked day. (Please text your Oscar programme). Usual fees will be charged. For the Holiday Programme there will be no refund for absences.
- When applying for WINZ subsidies it is the parent’s responsibility to pay the Programme fees until authorisation from WINZ has been received. This will then be refunded from the date that WINZ begins payment.
- Any disagreement regarding fees is to be addressed to the Finance Team or the Project Manager.
- The Project Manager must be advised immediately of any change in details contained in the online enrolment form.
- The Programme Supervisor is to be advised of any situation that may be disturbing to the children.
- It is ultimately my responsibility to ensure that my child/ren act in an appropriate manner while at Horizons. Behaviour which consistently affects the quality of care to other children may result in Suspension or removal from the programme.
The Programme Supervisor may arrange for urgent medical treatment at my expense. - I agree to pay for damage willfully caused by my child.
- I understand my child is responsible for his/her own property.
- I give permission for my children to be transported and attend prearranged outings during the Holiday programmes and between Oscar venues if necessary during term time.
- Photographs of my children may be used for genuine resources and publicity purposes.
- I give permission for my child to watch the occasional video, DVD, rated G or PG only.
- I agree to abide by the rules and procedures of Horizons Oscar (a copy of all current policies and procedures can be obtained from the Project Manager).
- I understand that all staff are screened, trained and are gaining appropriate experience for the job they do and that Horizons Oscar complies with Health and Safety Policies and the National Oscar Standards. However accidents do happen and I will not hold Horizons Oscar responsible for genuine mishaps.
- I understand that the Horizons programme is managed by the Hornby Presbyterian Community Trust which is completely separate from the local School. Neither the staff nor the Board of Trustees of the local School are responsible for the Horizons service, nor liable for any act or omission arising through its activities.
- I understand that data may be accessed by the government auditor. It is essential for us to know all medical and behavioural conditions your child may have. If you have indicated any medical/behavioural issues, you may be required to fill in a Medical/Behaviour form. Failure to disclose medical or behavioural conditions may result in the removal of your child.
Privacy Act (2020): The information that you have supplied is necessary for the safe and effective operation of the OSCAR programmes. While the information is not required by law, refusal may lead to your enrolment being declined. If we don’t have all the information, then we can’t ensure the safety of your children. All personal information requested will be destroyed at the completion of your child’s time at OSCAR or their School(s), unless you have requested future activities information. You have the right of access to check and correct any information you have supplied at any time.
Cyber Safety Children’s Agreement:
- I will not give out personal information (such as school I go to or location that I am at) or contact details (such as address and phone contacts, or parents work details) to any website without my parents or caregiver’s’ permission
- I will tell Horizons Oscar staff right away if I come across any information that makes me feel uncomfortable in any way.
- I will not go on YouTube or any You Tube or video links to a website without prior permission of the Horizons Oscar Staff
- I will not go on any other social media site (including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) while I am at Horizons Oscar
- I will not go online or play any games without the prior approval of Horizons Oscar Staff
- I will not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel uncomfortable. It is not my fault if I get a message like that. If I do I will tell my OSCAR leader, who will inform my parents or caregivers, right away
- I will follow these rules for going online. I will not access other areas or break these rules without the permission of Horizons Oscar Staff
- I will not give out my Internet password to anyone (even my best friends) except my parents or caregivers.
- I will not download or install software or apps onto any of the electronic devices, including tablets or computer equipment, within Horizon OSCAR Program.
- I will not go on any electronic devices without the permission of Horizons Oscar Staff I understand this agreement covers all (including personally owned) electronic devices such as computers, tablets, chromebooks and cellphones etc.
Medical Consents:
Authorisations: Minor Medical Treatment I herby give my permission for the Horizons Oscar staff to treat my child if a minor accident occurs. In the case of a more urgent matter I understand an ambulance will be called first then I will be notified.
Prescribed Medication I herby give permission to the staff of Horizons Oscar programme to administer medically prescribed medication to my child. I understand that the staff will record each administration of medication. I acknowledge that all care will be taken and I will not hold Horizons Oscar responsible.
Self Medication I herby notify Horizons Oscar that my child carries medication with them and will self medicate when necessary. I understand that my child is to let staff know when they self medicate so that a record may be kept and any further instructions followed.
Payment Information:
Bank account details to set up an Automatic payment either at your bank or online banking.
Bank: Westpac Branch: Hornby Mall
Account Name: Hornby Presbyterian Community Oscar
Account Number: 03 0767 0454390 00
Reference: your account number
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the finance team on (03) 980 2296 ext 215.